from Natural Resources

Natural β-carotene pigment is used in the cosmetic area with success for years. It’s antioxidant effect and their 100% natural characteristics, make it suitable to be included in cosmetics and dermatological formulations as a skin protector to the UV radiation.Due to its effect as a pigment, usually is consumed orally in capsules.
The market trend is faced towards 100% natural products. β-carotene is the perfect candidate and it’s used to formulate new natural UV protection products.
Not only β-carotene is well-known for its protector effects against sun radiation, but also there are studies with Vitamin E that suggest that this vitamin could have a protector effect also against sunburn. Our microalgae contains in a natural way, β-carotene and vitamin E in suitable concentrations. These are unique characteristics due to you can not find in another natural food.